Orla Healy
University College Cork Ireland
Orla Healy was trained and worked in hospital medicine for five years before embarking a career in Public Health Medicine following appointment as a Consultant in Public Health Medicine in 2005. She worked in national and regional capacity in the areas of Health Service Improvement, Patient Safety and Acute Hospital Policy Development. She is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, UCC. Her activity there includes Undergraduate and Post Graduate lectures, PhD supervision and collaborative applied public research with UCC on behalf of the health services. In May 2016, she was appointed as Director of Quality, Governance and Patient Safety to the newly established South/South West Hospital Group (SSWHG) and in February 2017, she was appointed as Director of Strategy, Planning and Population Health in the SSWHG.
Research Interest
Her research interests include health policy analysis, health system re-design and evaluation of population health.