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Arun Sundararaman

Head of Healthcare Analytics Accenture Advanced Technology Center India
Head of Healthcare Analytics Accenture Advanced Technology Center India


Dr. Arun Sundararaman, in his current role, Heads Data and Analytics Technology Practice at Accenture, India. Having secured his Ph.D. in Information Quality Strategy from BITS, Pilani, India, Arun has been specializing in providing Data Management, Big Data and Analytics Solutions to leading Healthcare Payers / Providers and Public Health organizations. Arun has helped an Indian Government to architect, design and build large scale public health data repository enabling the Government in use of data for evidence based policy decisions in critical healthcare functions e.g. IMR / MMR, ambulance etc. A recipient of the prestigious Ballou-Pazer Information Quality Dissertation Award from MIT-IQ Program for contribution to Information Quality research, Dr. Arun has many International publications to his credit and serves on Editorial and Review Board of several international technology publications and is widely recognized as a thought leader in Industry and Academia.

Research Interest

Data Management, Big Data and Analytics Solutions to leading Healthcare Payers / Providers and Public Health organizations.